Dispelling the Myth of Therapeutic Wilderness
Why It Matters to the Epidemic of Struggling Teens & Young Adults Inspired and grateful. That’s not exactly how I usually leave professional conferences. If you work in a field where trade or professional conferences are a regular part of your year, you likely know what I mean. Trade the coat and tie or business […]
Navigating the Neuropsych
I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Alex, an eleven-year-old girl whose parents were wisely thinking ahead about a high school placement for her. In our conversation, mom and dad shared that Alex had become increasingly challenged by school. She spent hours on her homework, yet her grades were falling. Her teachers suggested a […]
When We Help Our Kids Too Much
When my daughter was in high school, her physics teacher lamented that while she was not afraid of the most complex physics problems, she was stymied by remembering to bring a pencil to class. Oh that darn pencil. I had heard that before. In an earlier English class, I had heard what a gifted and […]
Filling the Developmental Tool Kit When Your Child Hits the Wall
When your child’s capacity hits its limits: it’s time to withhold judgement & fill the developmental tool kit. “He just isn’t motivated.” “She is so obsessed with the social scene she can’t reach her academic potential.” “He used to be such a happy kid.” “She used to love learning.” These are the observations regularly shared […]
The Long-Awaited Lazy Days of Summer
What Those Sunny Days May Reveal & How to Use Them Wisely The long awaited days of summer! The promise of relaxation, fun, and a well deserved break from the grind of long school days, hours of homework, and the stresses of a tightly scheduled life…every kid’s dream! Yet for both parents and kids, summer […]