Comparing IE University (Spain) and Bocconi University (Italy)

If you are a student from the U.S., or an international student looking for a great college experience in Europe, consider IE University in Segovia, Spain or Bocconi University in Milan, Italy.  Bocconi has traditionally been considered a top European business school, and Milan offers a rich cultural backdrop for your studies. While all that […]

The Importance of College Visits

An American phenomenon that is spreading to other countries – not unlike Levi’s and Coca-Cola in the 80’s and hopefully healthier than the bizarrely ubiquitous KFC – is the concept of touring a university campus before one applies. However, the purposes and procedures for college visits in the US are distinctly different from those in […]

Getting Started with Applications Early!

Every November, we get some from international families of seniors seeking application assistance. Sacre bleu! Mamma mia! Or as my mother-in-law says, “Maria Petruchka Petrovna”! No, mi amigo, you must start early! We strongly encourage students to do most of their application work during the summer before their final year of high school. They don’t […]

Writing Authentic Essays: Avoiding the Chat GPT Dark Side

Time for some trivia! Who said, “It’s against my programming to impersonate a deity”? If you answered C3PO, the beloved droid from the Star Wars movies, you’re right! For those of us who grew up in the 80’s, we loved immersing ourselves in the world of robot comrades, where machines fought alongside our heroes and […]

Why American Students Should Consider Pursuing a Full Undergraduate Degree Abroad

“Happy Birthday, Study Abroad! – Packing for One Year vs. Four” While the year 2023 will go down in history for many memorable events both notorious and noteworthy, you may not know that 2023 also marks the 100th anniversary of the first fully accredited study abroad program at a U.S. university! And, did you know […]