Discovery Ranch

During the recent annual National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs conference in San Antonio, we had the chance to reconnect with a group of talented clinicians from one of the country’s premier residential treatment programs for adolescent boys, Discovery Ranch, located 50 minutes south of Salt Lake City. DR is one of the pioneers in experiential, adventure, and animal therapies, specifically integrating horses and calves into the boys’ daily routines and treatment. Caring for their own animal promotes the boys’ development of empathy, relational skills, and responsible behaviors, while also having the effect of diminishing anxious and depressed mood and increasing the boys’ distress tolerance so that they can navigate life’s inevitable struggles with greater confidence and proficiency. We are so grateful for the great work DR has done over years with our McMillan Education families and we look forward to continuing to work with them!

About The Author

Sarah McMillan, Ed.D.