Carolyn received the following email from the parent of a school student. “Hi Carolyn, It’s amazing to see how happy he is and we just hope it stays that way – even...
I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Alex, an eleven-year-old girl whose parents were wisely thinking ahead about a high school placement for her. In our conversation, mom and dad shared...
When my daughter was in high school, her physics teacher lamented that while she was not afraid of the most complex physics problems, she was stymied by remembering to bring a pencil...
When your child’s capacity hits its limits: it’s time to withhold judgement & fill the developmental tool kit. “He just isn’t motivated.” “She is so obsessed with the social scene she can’t...
Don’t all the smiling students and lush campuses splashed across college websites look the same? In truth, you’ve got to click deep into a site to discover distinguishing features. Think of the...
Not Just For Athletes Anymore I have worked with many PG students who have eventually declared the PG experience as essential to their growth and success. These students are young women and...
What Those Sunny Days May Reveal & How to Use Them Wisely The long awaited days of summer! The promise of relaxation, fun, and a well deserved break from the grind of...
A Yankee Recipe For Success David Brooks recently wrote a column, “Putting Grit in its Place,” in which he references the current fascination with this formative four-letter word. He initially defines grit...